This privacy policy for Fighting Games Apps and Games Users

The aim of this policy is to furnish you with essential information regarding the collection and processing of your data when using our website or any of our applications. The privacy policy outlines the fundamental principles that we adhere to when processing data to develop and monetize mobile games and applications, as well as running our corporate website. Additionally, this policy serves as a reminder of your rights and provides you with the necessary resources to exercise them. If you have any queries related to this policy or our privacy and data protection practices, please reach out to us without hesitation.

What drives us to gather data from our apps and games?

♥  By installing and using our mobile applications, we may collect and process some of your data for various legitimate purposes. In the following explanations, we have detailed the reasons why we collect data and the legal bases we rely on for each activity.

We collect data to provide you with the services you requested, such as granting access to the next level of a game after you have completed the previous one. This type of data processing is strictly necessary for the service(s) you have requested.

We also use data analytics to understand how users interact with our products and services so we can continuously improve them. For third-party analytics, we only share personal data collected through our apps with partners who provide us with analytics services once you give us your express consent through the pop-up notice included in our apps. For first-party analytics, we collect user data for the sole purpose of our internal analytics tools and do not share this data with any third parties. This data processing is based on our legitimate interest.

To serve personalized advertising that is tailored to the preferences and interests of our users and to enable us to provide free services and products, we require your express consent in the countries where applicable laws and regulations require collecting users’ consent. If you withdraw your consent or refuse to provide it, you will still receive advertising, but it may be less relevant to your interests.

For all data processing activities that rely on your consent, you can withdraw your consent at any time from the “settings” page in our various applications. Please note that this may affect the relevance of the advertising you receive.

What data does we collect from our apps and games?

♦  We collect limited data for the purposes outlined above when you use our mobile games and apps. This data includes:

The apps you are using
Your IP address
Your Mobile Advertising ID (such as Apple IDFA or Google AAID), which are technical identifiers developed by mobile operating systems for advertising purposes. These identifiers remain under your control and can be reset or erased at any time through your device settings.
Your device identifier (such as IDFV for iOS devices and Android ID for Android devices)
Information about your device and connection, such as user agent, type of connection, timestamp, system language, device model, screen resolution and settings, battery level, available storage space, time zone, and operating system
Data related to your activities on our applications, including how and when you use our apps and how you interact with the advertising served within them. This may include information such as the number of ads served and any potential clicks.
We take privacy seriously and strive to ensure that our data collection practices are transparent and aligned with applicable laws and regulations. If you have any questions or concerns about our data collection practices, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Why and with whom may we share your data in connection with our mobile games and apps?

•  We take your privacy seriously and do not share your personal data with third parties unless you have given prior consent, where required by applicable laws and regulations.

If you do consent to the collection of data for advertising and analytics purposes, we may share the data described above with the following categories of recipients:

Ad partners: These partners allow us to monetize the ad inventory of our apps and provide free products and services to our users. They typically collect data using their own tools, such as Software Development Kits (SDKs).

To ensure transparency, we provide a list of our partners who implement advertising SDKs through our applications, along with their privacy policies. These policies describe their data collection and processing practices and provide you with the information you need to exercise your rights directly with them.

Facebook -

Pangle -

Fyber -

InMobi -

Verizon Media - en/verizonmedia/privacy/intl/index.html

AdColony -

Google AdMob -

IronSource - ce-mobile/air/ironsource-mobile-privacy-policy/

AppLovin -

The above are the links to the privacy policies of our partners, who implement advertising SDKs through our applications. By clicking on these links, you can access their privacy policies and learn about their data collection practices. These partners include Facebook, Pangle, Fyber, InMobi, Verizon Media, AdColony, Google AdMob, IronSource, Tapjoy, Ogury, Chartboost, Snap, Mintegral, Vungle, Mopub, and AppLovin. We believe in transparency and want to empower our users to make informed decisions about their privacy.

Security and other important information

•  We take user privacy seriously and ensure that personal data collected, received, and processed for the purposes outlined in this policy is not kept for longer than is necessary.

As part of our commitment to privacy, we do not retain user-level data beyond the necessary time period. We strive to be transparent about our data retention practices and comply with applicable laws and regulations.

Children's Privacy Policy: How We Keep Your Kids Safe Online

♣  As part of our dedication to children's privacy, we have implemented strict measures to prevent the collection of personal data of any minors under 16 years of age on our mobile apps and games.

Opting Out of Information Sales and Withdrawing Consent: What You Need to Know

♠  It is possible to modify your consent status at any time by accessing the Privacy Settings available within our mobile games and applications.

We would like to make you aware that while we do not sell personal information of our users, we may share it with third-party analytics and advertising companies to enhance and personalize your experience with our services. This allows us to tailor the content and ads you see to your interests and preferences.